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Abandoned Square Timber Farmstead on Silas Lane

Updated: Aug 21, 2021

In an effort to make up for lost time, one of my fellow founding members of Madawaska Valley Cycling and I decided to hit up some of our favourite spots along the gravels roads that surround Lake Kamaniskeg.

Starting early in Barry's Bay helped to keep the heat at bay, however we still found it hot, humid, and ultimately sweltering by the end of the ride. I was certainly glad that I brought two bottles on this ride that was only 80 km. As someone who finds that the heat really affects my performance on the bike, I've always tended to over-hydrate on days like this rather than being a camel. Sure, it's more weight to carry on the bike, but when I am feeling parched and I have a swig of water or sports drink, it replenishes the body and mind in ways I can't explain.

Many of us have felt the effects of heat exhaustion on the bike. It ain't a pretty thing.

But despite the heat, we were treated to quiet roads and a beautiful sunrise as we left Barry's Bay via Opeongo Road. We rolled past pastoral farms and wildflowers with only the sound of gravel crunching beneath our file tread tires.

After a few kilometres of rolling, carless, gravel roads, we arrived at one of my favourite places in the Ottawa Valley: Silas Lane. The Silas Homestead is maintained by descendants of the original farm and the square timber structures are relics of the past that showcase the history of the region.

Riding with locals is imperative here in the Madawaska and Bonnechere Valley, as club members know the land owners, have talked to them on numerous occasions, and have received permission for us to ride through their property.

The site is beautifully maintained, and there are always flowers blooming as you cross a small stream before climbing up a gentle rise towards the house and farm buildings.

Some of the roofs have collapsed in the last few years, and eventually I fear that the walls will collapse too, but for now, as we silently spin through the area, I'm sure to always take in the beauty of landscape and the original farm buildings that greet us as we round the corner.

If you want to see more photos from this ride, check out our Instagram post.

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